Monday, August 27, 2012

Some Days in the Life of Evelyn

This is just a hodge podge of pictures and videos over the last few weeks...she sure is fun these days!
Playing hide the shoe from of her favorite games.
This is also the day of the first Broncos preseason game.
She wore this same shirt last year on the day of the first game (see here).  I can't believe how much she's grown - yet she's still so tiny for her age!
Helping Mommy clean and she put me up on the chair like a big girl!
Hey cool dude!
I was emptying the dishwasher one day, and she was "helping" a little too much.  So I gave her a snack in a bowl to eat on the floor while I worked.  This usually will distract her for 3-5 minutes, but today - the clean dishes were too tempting.  She grabbed a spoon and started eating her Teddy Grahams with it.
Every night when Dan comes home, Evelyn pitter patters over to the door to meet him.  On this particular day, she hadn't seen him in two days (he leaves before she wakes up, and had an event one night where he didn't get home until after she was in bed).  Needless to say, she was excited to see her Daddy!  He had a water bottle, so they played bang Daddy on the head with the bottle for a good five minutes.  Evelyn liked it...not sure about Dan!
Hey guys, like my hat?
The downside of putting a bowl on her head as a hat is now she does it with her bowl at dinner.  Oops.
She is all about her baby these days...
She uses this part of our sound system as her changing table.
Every fairy tale need a princess with a backpack...and a pinwheel wand...and a sippy cup with water...

Waiting for our turn at the doctor's office!
Our little Cindy Lou Who...

 She figured this one out all on her own...
We have a little musician on our hands...she loves playing her drums, singing, guitars...everything musical.  When we play worship music on our phones, she'll carry them around and dance and clap.  Here, she's enjoying the opening credits to a movie.  Extra points to whomever can name the movie. :-)
While I was getting my hair re-done (see tomorrow's post) - Daddy and Evelyn enjoyed watching some Toy Story 3.

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