Monday, August 20, 2012

Almost Famous

Dan and Evelyn made our local news!  As exciting as that is, the reality is that our friend, Cristina, is in the fight of her life against Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Unfortunately her only sister is not a match for the marrow transplant that she needs, so Cristina is in a race against time to find a donor.  Even before she knew her sister was not a match for her, Cristina started advocating for others to join the national registry to help others in need.   She has partnered with the National Marrow Donor Program's Be the Match Registry to raise awareness of the need for donors across the country.  Donors in the registry can be matched to any patient in need, some as young as 1.

On Sunday, our church hosted a donor recruitment event to possibly help Cristina, and potentially help others we don't even know.   And so, one of the local TV stations showed up to cover the event - which was largely successful.  There were 82 people who signed up on site to be someone's match!  Praise God!

Here's our little movie star... South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend

If you would like to register as a potential donor, you can do so online at Be the Match and use the promo code CristinaCC.  It's free - all it takes is filling out some paperwork and a simple cheek swab.  Dan and I are now both on the registry and hope that we can help someone in need!

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