Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sneak Peek

Our photographer always posts sneak peeks of pictures on Facebook - it's such a tease because it makes me want to see them all!  Once again, she is amazing.  Evelyn has had a rough week, she's been super fussy all week and yesterday when I got home from work (I just went in yesterday to finish moving offices before we leave for Hawaii next Saturday!).  Anyway, when I got home from work, she was super clingy and wouldn't let me put her down for anything - except the 1 hour nap she took.  She's got one of her top teeth coming in - it looks to be making it's appearance not fast enough, but any day.  She also had her 1 year shots the day before.  Usually, she's a little off the day of the shots - but this round has her in all sorts of a good mood.  On the way to the pictures I was just praying that she would find some happy for just 30 minutes.  It was also crazy windy (more than normal) yesterday - so I was not hopeful we would get anything good.
Enter Cat.  
The amazing photographer who creates beautiful out of crabby.
I just love this picture - it's her "I'm a stinker and I know it" (to be sung to the tune of "I'm sexy and I know it") face.  I'll post some more after we get the full session in a few weeks...if you are on Facebook, check out Cat Herndon Photography (or she usually tags me in the pictures).

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