Wednesday, November 30, 2011

6 Month Appointment

Evelyn had her 6 month appointment today.  She has gained some weight, but is dropping in percentiles, something that is concerning her pediatrician.  She was in the 84th percentile when she was born, then dropped to around the 35th-40th in the first week or so...and has steadily stayed around 20th-30th since then.  This month, she was at the 14th.  Fortunately, her pediatrician is very supportive of breastfeeding, and isn't making us full-on supplement.  Instead, we now have to fortify each bottle that she has, which means we add about a teaspoon of formula to each bottle she has.  Evelyn is still a little stinker and only nurses at night when she's half asleep, so all but 1-2 feedings day will be fortified.  The fortifying adds some calories to her diet, which should hopefully catch her up on her weight gain.  Hopefully with this and the addition of more solids, she'll be back on track - we go back in a month to find out.

Her 6 month statistics:
Weight: 14 pounds, 4 ounces (1 pound, 13 ounces since 4 months) - 14th percentile
Length: 24 inches (1 inch since 4 months) - 3rd percentile
Head Circumference: 42.5 cm (1 cm since 4 months) - 44th percentile

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

We had a busy Thanksgiving week - 182 pictures worth...and that's after I went through and deleted the blurry ones, the bad ones, and the duplicates.  To make it easier to look through on here, I'm going to post things day by day!  Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Week: Friday

Friday morning we checked out of our hotel and headed over to Cracker Barrel to have brunch with the Gaines families.  It was the first day that we were in Indiana that the sun was out, so Evelyn busted out her shades!  We were actually enjoying the dreary early winter Indiana weather this was something different than 90 degrees, hot, and humid!
We may have a little diva on our hands...
Evelyn with Uncle Mike
Uncle Dan and Aunt Stacey with Micah
After brunch, we headed over to the south side of Indianapolis to spend the rest of our time there with our friends Jason & Emily and Josh & Katie and their families.  This has become our day after Thanksgiving tradition (waaaay less stressful than Black Friday!).  While we were waiting for the Browns to arrive, Evelyn and Henry got some date, I mean, play time in.  
Evelyn playing with the ring Henry gave her (or that the Nye's gave her...same thing)
I just liked this picture...look at those chubbers legs!
Evelyn + Henry Jay
We like to chew on our fingers...
He stole my Sophie!!!
Chaney is the big sister of the Brown bunch (1 sister and 2 brothers) - so she was showing me how good of a babysitter she is!
Getting ready for bed...don't look Henry, I'm changing.
Evelyn (~6 months), Henry (~3 months), and Rigley (~3 weeks)
All of the kiddos
Tucker, Charlotte (who are also in a pre-arranged marriage), Sophie, Chloe, Chaney, and Paislee
Evelyn, Henry, and Rigley
Sleepy girl ready for some bedtime!
We (or more like, I...) had our first "parents of the year" moment at the Nyes.  We were giving Evelyn a bath in their bath tub, and I was holding her while Dan was bathing her.  She squirmed a little and I lost my hold of she slipped out of my hands and banged her cheek on the bottom of the bathtub.  I think I was more upset than she was in the long run!

Evelyn also decided that she likes Indiana, or at least the Nye house, because she slept through the night that night!  She hasn't done it since...

Thanksgiving Week: Thursday


We spent Thanksgiving Day at Grandma and Grandpa Gaines' house.  That morning, we snapped a few pictures of our little turkey in our hotel room.

At Grandma and Grandpa's house, we had plenty of entertainment with the two little ones.  What did we ever do before they came?!  Micah and Evelyn are almost exactly 5 months apart in age (one day shy!).  I can't wait to watch these two grow up together!
Mike feeding Baby Micah
Hanging with my cousin Mekenzie!
Hey Micah - show us your muscles!!
Hey Micah - look over here...I'll teach you some tricks!
Pretty soon you can suck your thumb AND play with your toes
See...check this out!
Let me show you!
OK, fine...I'll just eat you then.
Awww...sweet cousins!
Check out the turkey on my bottom!
If somebody gets a book, I'll read us a story!
Evelyn with Aunt Leann
Mike, Kendra, and Micah
Our sweet family!
The two youngest Gaines families
Evelyn with her Great Aunt Vickie
Grandpa Gaines, Evelyn, and Great Grandma Mable
Evelyn and Great Grandma Mable
4 generations...
Dan, Grandma Mable, Evelyn, and Ted
First Thanksgiving meal...
Rice cereal, sweet potatoes, green beans, and for the first time - APPLES!
Just like apple pie!
Four generations...
Mike and Dan
Mable (holding Micah), and Ted (holding Evelyn)
Dan, Renee, Leann, and Mike
This has been fun and all..but I'm getting tired, guys!
We also celebrate Christmas with the Gaines family when we are in town since we go to Colorado for Christmas.  These were Evelyn's first Christmas presents to open.  She loved the bows and paper!

The night capped off with Dan getting some food poisoning.  Let's just say it wasn't pretty...and I felt really bad for him!  Fortunately it didn't last too long once he got it out of his system.

Thanksgiving Week: Wednesday

It's easy to keep a 6 month old entertained in a hotel long as you have a bumbo and a mirror!

Wednesday morning we met up with some of my best friends at our old church in Indianapolis.  When we lived in New Pal, about once a week I would get together with Emily and Katie and their kids at BRCC.  The kids would play in the play place, and we would catch up and sometimes do a Bible study.  I miss those times so much!!  Today was the first day I would get to meet the two newest kids to our bunch, Henry Jay (Jason & Emily's) and Rigley Benjamin (Josh & Katie's).  Earlier they had joked that their kids' nick names were Hank the Tank and Big Rig...I had commented that I couldn't think of anything we could call Evelyn.  Her Dad chimed in, "Heavy Evie"...he also calls her thunder thighs.  He's no longer allowed to give her nick names! :-)

Henry Jay is the young man we are arranging a marriage with Evelyn.  We adore his parents and know he will be raised in a godly home - what more could we ask for?!

Emily with Evelyn (Chaney in the background)
Me holding my future son-in-law
Paislee playing in the play space
Charlotte and Tucker playing...apparently Charlotte was playing the damsel in distress and Tucker came to the rescue!
Evelyn getting a little frisky with Henry...we'll work on that in the next 20 years or so...
Holding hands for the first time
All of the little ones - mine was a little sleepy!  
Evelyn, Henry Jay, and Rigley
Sleepy girl...
Wednesday evening, we had dinner with our good friends the Peters.  Dan went to school with David and we have made it a tradition to have dinner with them every Wednesday night of Thanksgiving week.  Somehow we did not get any pictures of them or their family...I'm so bummed!  Dave & Jenni, we'll have to do it again next year! :-)

After dinner, we headed over to Hamilton Southeastern HS to watch Dan's brother Mike coach the Fishers Lady Tigers basketball team.  We always look forward to watching him coach!  Evelyn wasn't real sure of it all to begin with, but she warmed up to it!  She also got to meet "Grammy Joyce" and "Aunt Candice" (her Aunt Kendra's mom and sister).
Really not sure what all of this is about...there's a lot of people yelling, and my Uncle Mike has a vein sticking out of his neck!
She had this look on her face for about the first 10 minutes we were there.
Baby Micah hanging out in the Moby (literally...)
Such a tired's about bed time now!
Sitting with Grandma Gaines