Coming down the stairs, she knew something was up
This was her expression when she first saw her presents - priceless!
She immediately ran for her new car - she didn't realize there was a door on the other side, so she climbed in the window
Now she found the door!
Opening her cards while sitting at her new table and chair set
My Mom and Dad have this cash register and Evelyn played with it a lot when we were in Colorado, so Dan picked it out for her.
She also got a Princess Sofia dress and a new guitar
(don't mind the snot running down her nose...she has my pollen allergies unfortunately!)
Every princess needs to mow the lawn sometime!
Dan had to work all day, so Evelyn and I were home by ourselves. We mostly stayed around the house and got her backyard pool out after her nap. We asked her where she wanted to go to dinner and she said, "McDonalds." We've hardly taken her there, but apparently the few times we have left an impression.
Little ornery two year old!
She enjoyed playing the play place at the McDonalds for a while after we ate. The last time we were there it was overrun with bigger kids, so she didn't really get to play. Tonight, there were just a few, and they were all aware of a little one around so she got to climb and slide - two of her favorite things. I had made a cake earlier in the day, so we had that when we got home.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
She kept saying, "I like it!"
Happy birthday, baby girl. I can't call you that much longer, but you'll always be my baby. You bring such joy to your Daddy and I's lives - we can't imagine life without you in it. We pray you will grow to know the love of Jesus in ways we haven't had the courage to try, that you will learn to serve others in humility, and always know how much you are loved.
I have been waiting for these! So precious. The one of her first seeing her presents is priceless. Thanks P!