Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hawaii: Zoo - Day Two

Thursday was the first day of my conference, so I was in sessions for most of the morning.  Dan and Evelyn decided to go to the zoo again, and caught the animals out and about.  Dan took some great videos as well (see below). 
A second trip to the zoo with Daddy wore a little girl out!
We went to lunch at a place called Duke's.  It was super yummy (but not on the Jumer List...we found this one ourselves!) and their dining room is just off the beach.  Evelyn loved watching all of the pigeons walking around (and eating the food she dropped).  She also learned how to stand up in her high chair to watch them...a fun feat we now get to deal with at every meal!
After lunch, I had another session - so Dan and Evelyn headed back to the room to play for a while and then take naps...
This is what I walked in to...
Based on her hair when she woke up, it was a good nap!
Playing while we wait for Daddy to wake up (he still wasn't quite at 100%)
OK, Daddy, time to get up!
The rest of the day I was in sessions and an opening reception - so Dan and Evelyn were on their own for dinner.  I made it back up in time for bedtime, but missed most of the evening :-(.

These are the videos from the zoo that Dan took...
These monkeys were talking like crazy...Evelyn was not a huge fan
She will cry when we play these, even now...

This is the beginning of a fight between some monkeys over a ball...

I miss out on all the fun! 

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