Friday, June 3, 2011

Sister Surprise!

My sisters pulled off quite the surprise this week!  I was fast asleep on Tuesday night when Dan woke me up.  He told me that my friend Leah had called, was really upset, and was coming over because she wanted to talk to me.  As I came downstairs, not only was Leah there (not upset in any way), but my sisters were sitting on my couch!  They had orchestrated the entire surprise with Dan's help on this end.  Knowing it was late when their flight came in, yet not knowing I would actually be asleep, Dan enlisted Leah's help to pick them up from the airport and get them to our house.

During the mornings, we pretty much slept in and had some lazy mornings around the house - which I'm sure my sisters enjoyed since they don't get to do it often (my older sister has 4 kids, my younger sister has 3 kids).  Dan took the afternoons off work so that he could help out with Evelyn while they were here.  On Wednesday, we took her and went shopping for a bit.  We almost bought matching sister shoes, but they didn't have the right sizes for all of us.  Thursday afternoon, Dan stayed home with Evelyn and the three of us went to the beach.  I didn't think my little 2 week old was ready for a beach day, so she enjoyed her time at home with Daddy.  Friday, we went for pedicures and had planned for them to fly back that evening, but their flight was cancelled.  I wasn't too sad about it because it meant another day for them to be here with us! :-)  They ended up flying out on Saturday morning.

It was so nice to have them here - I miss being close by to them and seeing them often.  And sisters are the best when it comes to giving you advice that you need and want for your newborn.  I learned lots of mom tricks that are making things easier on Evelyn, Dan, and I!  As always, we laughed a lot...from my younger sister thinking she was being attacked by seagulls (aka, the lawn chair tag), and giving Evelyn her first nickname ('Lil Pete...Little Bo Pete, One-eyed Pete, Stinky Pete...) - it was lots of fun!

Evelyn with her Aunt Aug (Angie)

Evelyn with her Aunt Lisa

And a sister picture!
...with the international sign for pooping...
...because Evelyn makes this face every time she's pooping...

For those of you wondering about the 'Pete' nickname:  
My Grammie's name was Evelyn Peterson, and we called her Pete Pete Grammie.  So Pete comes from that...and Evelyn has a little of my Grammie's orneriness in her!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for sister time and even bigger yeah for more advice. I learned after Chaney was born its always nice to hear more tips from other moms.
