Evelyn showing Grandad how to play toys
Grammie and Evelyn
So close to full-on crawling...right now, she's got the army crawl going for her!
On Friday morning, we got up with the rooster while Grammie and Grandad slept in. We had a big day of projects (Dan and Dad) and shopping (Evelyn, Mom, and I) ahead!
Evelyn helping Daddy get some work done
When my Dad came down, I only had two small projects for him...both inside, both would take less than an hour to do. Somehow we ended up with all of the wood surrounding our windows torn out and replaced over two days. We had noticed a small hole under one of our windows about the size of a quarter. My Dad showed us that the wood surrounding all of our back windows was rotted (lovely). So Dad and Dan ripped it all out and replaced the wood and siding. Now we just need to paint it, and the entire house really could use a fresh coat of paint...so we're considering painting the entire house a new color. Stay tuned.
Dan and Dad hard at work (the girls were hard at work spending money!)
Of course a visit with grandparents isn't complete without getting nice and messy during meals. Evelyn has had yogurt before, but she wasn't a fan. I decided to try again while Mom and Dad were here, and she loved it. Of course she wanted to get her hands in it and explore...so we just stripped her down.
Yogurt fun!
The yogurt fun was immediately followed by bath fun. :-)My Mom and Dad bought Evelyn a swing for our backyard while they were here. We actually have a really nice yard swing that I used to LOVE sitting in and reading when we lived in Indiana. Dan's Dad made it for us, so of course we brought it with us when we moved. Since we've moved, I've hardly been able to use it because it's so hot, humid, and buggy here (did I mention I hate it?!). The weather here has been pretty tough on it, and the seat actually broke last May (two days before Evelyn was born...we were taking my maternity pictures...thankfully it was Dan who sat on it and broke it instead of my 9 months pregnant self!). Anyway, I'm glad we are still able to use the frame for Evelyn's swing! Now it's something both sets of grandparents gave to her - the frame from Grandma and Grandpa Gaines, and the swing from Grammie and Grandad Wisdom.
A little family picture
Practicing shooting in manual mode after my Mamarazzi class!
Daddy and his little girl
She LOVES the swing!!
This picture is a little blueish..because I forgot to change the flash brightness. Bummer, because there was a string of pictures that were really stinkin' cute - all blueish.
Playing around on Grammie and Grandad's last night in Texas
Evelyn and Mommy!
Sweet, laughing girl
As always, we loved having you here Mom and Dad - and not just for the projects! Come back soon!
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