Saturday, March 17, 2012

March Madness

If you know anything about know we celebrate March Madness like Christmas in our house.  Having a Hoosier husband kind of makes that a given.  Every year, we do a bracket pick'em with my family - so we needed to get Evelyn's picks.  Of course, we forgot about this completely until about 7:55 on Wednesday night (she goes to bed at 8:00).  But we powered through and got some picks!
 Evelyn's method of choosing the winner...
 Her first March Madness bracket! (go Harvard?)
 More rested and ready to play!


  1. Love to see a baby girl with a basketball in her hands.

    PS- nice placement of the balls:-)

  2. She looks SO tired in the first picture! And I love the little basketball picture! We got Chloe a basketball and goal when she was younger and it seems to have worked out well. :-)
