Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday Morning Fun

Saturday mornings are generally fairly lazy around here.  Especially now that Dan doesn't have to mow every week!  Evelyn took the opportunity to tear the place apart this morning...while Dan and I just watched in awe.
She loves little spaces!
She just started doing this when I tell her to say "cheese"
One view of the damage
Playing with her new book from Grammie & Grandad
Hey guys - did you see my mess?
Playing on the stairs with Daddy
This was the real fun of the morning, though!
This started because I was trying to toss one of her dirty diapers up to the top of the stairs so she would quit trying to play with it.  I missed the top of the stairs and it came tumbling down...she thought it was hysterical.  We traded the diaper for the basketball.  She'll belly laugh as it bounces around coming down, and just about loses it when it knocks her in the belly (or head...).  Who knew a staircase and a basketball could be so much fun?