We made it to Colorado!!! We left Kingsville around 4:30pm on Friday evening (after the poor Mommy smashing Evelyn's head to the ground debacle!) and arrived in Colorado Springs, Colorado around 9:00am on Saturday morning. Evelyn did amazing! We were actually only about an hour off of our record time (it's how I keep an 18 hour drive interesting!)...which was mostly spent when we stopped to eat dinner. Evelyn slept for most of the trip, waking only a couple of times through the night when we were slowed down going through a small west Texas town or two. One of the Mommy groups that I am a part of suggested pulling her car seat shade down as if the sun were shining in to keep the city lights out of her eyes. I think that helped a lot! I drove for the first 4 hours, then Dan took a 7 hour stretch through the night, which was awesome because I got to sleep most of that time. It worked out pretty well.
In Colorado Springs, we stayed with Dan's brother, Ed, and his family. Ed, Sandi, and Jacob had come down to visit in June on their way to South Padre Island for a vacation, we had also seen Ed and Sandi during both October trips to Colorado, but they were amazed at how big Evelyn had gotten. We spent most of the first day napping while Ed worked, then had dinner at Rudy's with them. We love Rudy's...we have one here in Corpus, and it's one of our favorite restaurants.
I can't quite get through this post without mentioning the saddest news of the trip. On Saturday, we found out that one of the kids in the youth group I worked with in West Lafayette was killed in a car accident. This kid was one of the sweetest, most sold-out for Jesus, high school (now college) kids I've ever known. We were planning to see him for lunch the week we got back from Colorado (his parents live in Texas, and they always take a day or two trip down to Corpus when he comes to visit). He had such a servant's heart and truly exemplified a Christ-like walk in life. I can't imagine how God wanted him home in Heaven over winning this generation for Christ...but I know he's doing what he was created to do now - worshipping with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. We miss you terribly, Cody!!
On Sunday, we geared up to watch the Broncos-Patriots game...well, at least it was a game in the first quarter. Sigh. Then had Ed's yummy lasagna (our favorite...I look forward to it every Christmas!). We ended up driving to Wray on Sunday night instead of Monday morning because there was a pretty big storm moving in. Thankfully we did, two of the roads we would have driven were closed on Monday due to blizzard conditions! Here are some pictures of our time with the Brzaks...Sandi and Jacob, how did we not get any pictures of you two??!
Evelyn playing with Uncle Ed
Evelyn and Mommy watching the Broncos game
She still isn't quite ready for Broncos cheering. On the Broncos' opening drive, Tim Tebow scored a touchdown and we all cheered...Evelyn cried.
Getting in a nap with Uncle Ed
Uncle Ed serenading Evelyn with the ukulele
Thanks for having us, Ed & Sandi, we loved spending time with you guys! And Jacob, it was fun to see you again...praying for you as you get ready to start this new chapter in your life! (Jacob is joining the Navy!)
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