Monday, September 30, 2013

September Random Pictures

All of our random pictures from September...
Seriously, what's cuter than a sleeping Supergirl baby?!
I like this - I kick it and it makes noise!
 Evelyn on the monitor...feet in a frog position (check), feet up against crib side (check), blanket over face (check)...
Some days you just want to wear your boots and hat
(Someone is like her Mom and longs for cooler weather!)
Just running some errands
(she did this to herself...)
Line up all of your stuffed animals and sit next to them (check)
So smart - Amber didn't even have a chance to explain her game of sorting the balls by colors onto the paper before Evelyn did it herself!
She loves coats - we seriously need to move north!
Dancing along with Kenichi Ebina from America's Got Talent
 Wearing Jesse's hat
Hi guys!
 Working the tummy time while big sister sings her ABCs
 Praying before dinner!
  Fun with the family camera
Again...she did this to herself!
Sometimes having a big sister is hard work!
Little smooshie...getting too big, too fast!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sisters! (September 2013)

The monthly installment of sister pictures...
Evelyn thinks it's the greatest thing ever to give Lillian a bath!
Playing on the play mat
Again - they spent a lot of time here...
"Baby sister's tickling me!"
Sisters watching a movie with Daddy
(who doesn't seem to be watching, actually)
More play mat...
Having some tea!
Sisters with Amber
Yep, more play mat...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Learning to Like Bottles

Well, we prayed that Lillian would be a better nurser than Evelyn was.  We got what we asked for!  This little girl loves to much so, that she hates bottles.  Period.  She started off sort of taking them, then suddenly decided she wasn't having it.  So Amber has been giving her a bottle first, she'll drink anywhere from about 1-2 ounces, then she'll scream and refuse it.  So she gets the rest of her bottle via syringe.  Seriously.  Who has the best nanny in the world?  These kids.  I don't know who else would feed by baby by syringe! (Thank you, Amber!)
I'll try this...but I'm not going to like it...
Mmmm...milk coma...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Evelyn's gastroenterologist referred her to a endocrinologist for her short stature.  Her nutrition and digestion seems to be functioning normally, so he is concerned that he stalled growth is hormone related.  So we met with Dr. Paez last week.  Side note - I really, really like this doctor.  She is very thorough and has excellent bedside manner with small children!  She ordered some more labs to test for several diseases (Celiac, Turner's Syndrome, etc.) that are hormone related, and also a test of her levels of human growth hormone. 
Evelyn's favorite part of going to doctors...getting to watch movies on the iPad!
Since I go back to work next week, I asked if we could schedule her labs today (Amber was at home with Lillian all day anyway).  Fortunately, they were able to accommodate us.  She had to do a blood test (which she was a rock star about, by the way!) and they needed a urine sample.  Rather than cath her for that, they attached a bag and we had to wait for her to go potty.
So we went to McDonalds while we waited.
Evelyn wanted to show Daddy her owie.
We ended up spending about 2 hours waiting for her to finally go.  After McDonalds we went back over to the lab and I thought for sure she had to have gone.  Negative.  So we sat on the floor in the bathroom (gross, I know) and waited instead of taking her pants off to check just to put them back on again.  I tried having her sit on the big girl potty, tickling her, running water...natta.  The magic tricked ended up being a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse appisode.  When she had to concentrate to put some ducks in a big trunk, she forgot she was holding it and finally went!

We heard back fairly quickly on the labs.  She was negative on everything except the human growth hormone.  According to the labs, her levels were nearly undetectable.  The next step is to do a full human growth hormone simulation test, which will happen in December.  It's a 6 hour test (ugh). 

We are asking God to heal her completely before then!  Her body was designed by an intelligent Creator to produce this hormone - and we are believing it will align with God's will for her to be healthy! 

Update (October 24, 2013):  In accordance with James 5:14-15, we asked the elders at our church to pray over Evelyn a few weeks ago.  I had started measuring her more regularly (the old fashioned mark on the doorway method) before she saw her GI specialist in August.  Since the day we found out about the growth hormone, she has grown almost a half an inch!  Praise Jesus!  Join with us in praying for the completion of this work!

Is anyone among you sick?  Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tea Party

My Mom got the girls these CUTE dresses and Lilly is finally big enough to wear hers.  I wanted to get a nice sister picture after church in their matching dresses, but had to settle for these! :-)

"Baby sister!  I pet her!"
Time for a tea party!
Some for me!
And some for you!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where's Waldo...errr, Evelyn?

Found Evelyn in her toy box today...reminded me of the old "Where's Waldo?" books!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mmmm, Coffee!

Dan is thrilled that I have introduced Evelyn to coffee.  Don't worry, it's decaf - but she now has her own cup and wants some every time she sees me with some! :-)  (That's my girl!)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Potty Training: Take 1

Evelyn has been showing some signs of being ready to potty train - so we decided to give it a whirl!  We figured now would be a great time because the stress of a new baby has for the most part subsided, and I am still home on maternity leave so I can spend several days focused on potty training (instead of making Amber do it!). 
We've read the books...
And lined the family room with towels...
Lots of things to do on the potty!
And underwear on our head is always a good thing...
For a few days, we lived in shirts and big girl panties (and boots)
These poor boots had a few accidents...sorry Lilly!
And we danced with Jesse...
After 3-4 days we decided to try again later.  Dan and I needed to get on the same page in terms of our approach to potty training - we were confusing the poor girl!  So hopefully in a few weeks we can try again...this time with Amber's help!   I should have signed up for the "Grammie potty trains the 2 year old while we're at the hospital with the baby" plan.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Two Months!

Happy two months, Lillian!  You have started developing in so many ways this month.  You have really taken to smiling, which is a highlight to everyone's day.  You smile especially big when you hear Mommy, Daddy, or Evelyn's voices.  Evelyn also gets some big smiles when she dances and sings for you.  I can't wait to watch the two of you grow to be best friends!  Along with your smiles, you have started cooing at us when you like something.  Some sure fire ways to get this response is to massage your cheeks, tickle your ribs, or lock eyes with you and get you to smile.  You have definitely started focusing on faces, rather than looking past people.  Sometimes you will laugh, although laughing is pretty spontaneous at this point.  You really do like tummy time (for the most part!) - at least until we leave you there for more than 10ish minutes, then you let us know that you. are. done.  You are developing some pretty healthy lungs!  All that tummy time is starting to pay off - you hold your head pretty steady when you are facing over our shoulder, especially if there is something or someone to look at back there!  On your tummy, you consistently lift your head over 45 degrees, but some times you will life it higher and get closer to 90 degrees.  You are starting to enjoy your play mat more, especially since you found the rattles and rings that make noise when you kick them.  Now Daddy can see why Mommy complained of her ribs hurting when she was pregnant with you!  You are not a fan of being left in a room by yourself.  We always have to leave the TV, music, or some sort of noise on to keep you happy.  If it's quiet, you cry.  You start out with a little warning cry or two, but then it's a full on, "come get me, guys!" cry.  You have started sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches most nights.  One exception is during growth spurts.  You eat like crazy during those days and tend to not sleep much.  Mommy is always appreciative for the 5-6+ nights!  At the end of this month, we started to introduce a bottle to you.  You were not a fan, at all, the first time, but you have started taking it better.  Mommy just hopes you don't become more attached to it than her like your big sister did!  With taking a bottle, you have also started having some one-on-one time with Amber.  Your first day away from Mommy and Daddy was a day that Evelyn was at school, so you had Amber all to yourself.  It took you a few times to finally take a bottle with her - fortunately you are becoming more comfortable with it!  This month has been so fun to watch.  You bring such joy to our hearts, baby girl, and we can't wait to see what the next 2 months (and beyond) bring for you!

We had your 2 month appointment with the pediatrician today.  You are still growing like a weed!  Too many shots for a little girl today...Dr. Perez has a new nurse that is not my favorite, so the process was a little rough.  You took them like a champ, though, and were asleep before we were in the car (even though it was time to eat!).
Here are your 2 month stats:
Weight: 12 pounds, 13 ounces (up 1 pound, 14 ounces from 1 month) - 84th percentile
Height: 21.75 inches (up 1.75 inches from 1 month) - 91st percentile
Head Circumference: 41.25 cm (up 4.25 cm from 1 month*) - 99th percentile

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Grandpa and Grandma Came to Visit

Dan's parents made a trip down to South Texas this past week to meet their newest granddaughter.  Here are some highlights of their trip!
Brunch at Hesters (yum)
Swimming in the backyard (on a non-water day...shhhh!)
Showing them our favorite restaurants
 Sisters playing
 Fun at the bounce house
 Yee haw!  Ride 'em cowboy!
 Lillian and Grandpa
 Lillian and Grandma
 Hi guys!
 Snacker night
(a tradition that Dan's family had - eating "snack" foods for dinner and watching a movie)
 Ted helped us to update our garage shelving (yay!)
 Saying goodbye at the RV park
We loved having you here, Grandma and Grandpa!