Monday, November 1, 2010

(Old) Wives Tales

Dan and I are definitely going to find out the sex of the baby - which won't happen until early January.  But we are having a lot of fun reading about (old) wives tales that supposedly predict the baby's gender.  So far, here's what we've found:

1.  HEARTBEAT OF THE BABY - if it's over 140 it's supposed to be a girl, if it's under 140 it's supposed to be a boy.  Baby Gaines was about 150 at 9 weeks.
Verdict: GIRL

2.  CRAVINGS - if Mommy craves sweet and creamy it's supposed to be a girl, if it's sour and salty it's supposed to be a boy.  Mommy Gaines craves chocolate milkshakes.
Verdict:  GIRL

3.  CHINESE BIRTH CALENDAR - uses Mommy's age at conception and date of conception to determine gender. (click here)
Verdict:  GIRL

4.  RING TEST - loop your wedding ring around one of Mommy's hairs and hang it over Mommy's belly.  If the ring circles, it's a boy.  If the ring sways back and forth in a line, it's a girl.
Verdict:  GIRL 

5.  MAYAN CALENDAR - uses Mommy's age at conception and year of conception to determine gender.  If both are odd or both are even, it's supposed to be a girl. If it's one of each, it's supposed to be a boy.  Mommy was 32 in 2010.
Verdict:  GIRL

6.  MORNING SICKNESS - if Mommy is super sick, it's a girl.  If she's not, it's a boy.
Verdict:  GIRL

7.  FRIEND EMILY TEST - if one of your best friends has an intuition, go with it.  We had to call these (old) wives tales, because Emily is NOT old! :-)
Verdict:  GIRL

Is anyone else sensing a theme here??  I think Dan and I better come up with a new name for Baby far it's been E'Tuan Robbie in honor of the upcoming Purdue basketball season.  E'Tuan Robbie may not fit into those big boy pants!


  1. I don't think I've mentioned this lately... at least not today, but I hate you living in stupid Texas! Miss you, friend.

  2. I hate to tell you, but my version of the ring test says circle means girl and back and forth means boy. So, if it's going back and forth, my test says boy. Also, try doing it over your wrist. It'll tell you how many, the gender, and the order they'll come in. I have to agree with Emily...I hate you living in stupid Texas too! It would be much easier to do all these tests if you were here! :-)

  3. I've heard the ring test both ways. Hey, it's a 50/50 shot either way! :-)

  4. i know...i should be supervised while doing these things!! i'm seeing both ways all over the internet....stupid wives tale!
