Her 9 month statistics:
Weight: 15 pounds, 12 ounces (1 pound, 8 ounces since 6 months) - 6th percentile
Length: 25 inches (1 inch since 6 months) - 1st percentile
Head Circumference: 44 cm (1.5 cm since 6 months - 51st percentile
I crack up watching friends whose babies are months younger than Evelyn, but have already outgrown her! She may be little, but she apparently has some brains! :-) Her doctor is still watching her growth, but said she has gained well since the loss she had after being in the hospital. We went through a couple of weeks of poor eating after that...but have since figured out she is just done with puréed baby food. She wants to feed herself, and she wants it chunky! We've gradually started feeding her whatever we are eating if it's appropriate. She's also a big fan of steamed veggies, fruits, whole wheat waffles/bread, cheese, avocados, sweet potatoes, and crackers. She's been eating so much better since we switched her diet. I feel like we were barely in the baby food stage!
Barely being in the baby food stage maybe a blessing in disguise. I felt like it was/is always easier to feed them from the table. When we go out (or to someone's house) I will always back a cheese sandwich or peaches/pears to bring along for the munchkin.