Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Whole New Office!

Dan has told me that I am not normal, but I really looked forward to the end of my Spring Break.  The part where I got to paint our office/loft and clean and organize!!!  I spent most of the first 5 days working on my dissertation, and wouldn't let myself paint unless I was done with the latest round of revisions from my advisor.  Here are some pictures of the new office and new favorite room in the house!
Office corner, before (you can look at the earlier blog post - 2/2/09 - for a wider view).

Looking down the hall from the office/loft - before.
I had painted the stairwell and entry way over Christmas break (it looks pink in this picture, but it's really not).

Same shot - after.  The brown that I painted it looks a little carmel-y in this picture, it's much softer in natural light.  I love love love it!!!

Looking from the hallway into the loft/office (future play-room).
The DVDs on the wall are slowly being digitized so they will one day be gone as well!

Different angle of the office - here the brown looks lighter than it really is.

I guess ya'll are just going to have to come visit to see how beautiful it really is!!  I told Dan if I wasn't married, I would want to marry this color.  Benjamin Moore (only the best!) - Dellwood Sand.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Sweetest Words Known to Man...


The end of my graduate career is in sight!  I have scheduled my dissertation defense for April 9th at 10:00am.  For those unfamiliar with the process, it's a 2 hour meeting where I present my dissertation study for about 20 minutes, then the remainder of the time is spent with my committee members questioning me about my study.  Can't wait - really - it's gonna be great! (enter sarcasm...)

I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and support thus far in the race - and give you some specific ways to pray over the coming weeks:

  1. Diligence in working!  I need to really get my head back into this dissertation to finish out strong.  I have mostly only worked on this over the weekends for the past two years, but I need to be in it daily as I prepare for the final meeting.  Laura Hackett's song, "I Put on Christ" has been my "dissertation song" since I first heard it a couple of onethings ago.  I feel the battle raging around me in this respect the most. I will sit down to work and be distracted by many spirit is willing, but my flesh is so tempted!  I want to put on Christ, making no provision for my flesh, and finish this battle strongly and victoriously!
  2. This week is my Spring Break - during which I will be working on this.  Linked with the first request, I would like to have my written revisions done for my advisor by Tuesday, so that I can focus the rest of the week on pulling my presentation together while I am not on campus working. Pray for clarity of thought and revelation of logic as I write and revise.
  3. Also linked with number 1, because I know that the battle is raging, I need truth to combat the enemy's lies.  Whether they be distractions from working, or lies of my ability to be able to do this.  I have asked God to give me a specific Word of truth every day from now until my defense, be that a scripture from my own Bible study, or something in a sermon, or a verse/thought sent form friends and family.  There's 27 days between now and my defense, so I am believing God to give me 27 truths specific to this battle in my life!!  If you come across something that you feel lead to share - please do!
  4. Pray as I prepare for my defense meeting that God will prepare me for the questions I will be asked.  That He will lead me to re-read studies that will help me answer, and bring to mind these studies as I defend.
  5. Pray for my committee members.  None of them know Jesus - and I pray that they will see Jesus in me during these final weeks that I will be in contact with them.
Feel free to forward these requests along to any of your own prayer circles/small groups!

Thanks always for your prayers and support - they mean so much to me!!!

Jesus make me Yours!!!